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Title Scripture Speaker Date Hits
The Gideon Bible Ministry and the Doctrine of the Church Ephesians 1:15 Pastor Harry Lusby 2014-05-04 3028
Easter- The Resurrection of Jesus Matthew 27:50 Pastor Harry Lusby 2014-04-20 3063
Palm Sunday Luke 19:28 Pastor Harry Lusby 2014-04-13 2917
Church Planting New Life Baptist Acts 8:26 Jimmy Gilbert 2014-03-30 1752
Revival Psalm 126 Frank Stewart 2014-03-23 1859
Marriage the Bible Way Matthew 7:12 Pastor Harry Lusby 2014-02-16 2933
Lovest Thou Me John 21:3-17 Pastor Harry Lusby 2014-02-02 2808
The Antichrist Psalm 55:10
Matthew 10:2
Pastor Harry Lusby 2014-01-26 2906
Blind Mind 2 Corinthians 4:4 Pastor Harry Lusby 2014-01-19 3023
Thou Shalt Remember Deuteronomy 8:2-11 Jack Tripp 2013-04-21 1910