TAINO Ministries
The Taino were among the first inhabitants of the Caribbean who virtually became extinct after the arrival of the Europeans. Their iconic leader, Hatuey, is known for his insurrection against foreign invaders and his rejection of Catholicism.
Sadly, the Taino respect indigenous peoples who were never evangelized! Their history compels us to take the Gospel to the unreached fields of the world.
Ministry Goals:
Assist Caribbean Nationals in reaching the unreached peoples of Spanish speaking nations
Equip Nationals with resources and training
Plant indigenous churches
Hosier Hills Baptist Camp
Hoosier Hills Baptist Camp was established in 1971 by Dr. Clarence Doyle to reach children with the Gospel of Christ. Initially intended as a boys and girls home, it transformed into a camp ministry in response to local church needs, impacting thousands over the years. The camp's motto emphasizes training children in faith early in life.
Core beliefs guide the ministry, including preaching salvation through Christ, adhering to Baptist doctrine, and valuing the authority of local churches. Located on thirty-eight acres in southeastern Indiana, the camp offers various facilities for activities and events. It operates as a faith-based ministry, relying on God's provision and support from individuals. For more information, please visit their website.