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Title Scripture Speaker Date Hits
The Blood Pt3 1 Peter 1:19 Pastor Harry Lusby 2018-07-15 2818
The Rapture Matthew 24:36-42 Pastor Harry Lusby 2015-05-31 3986
King James Bible Matthew 24:35 Pastor Harry Lusby 2015-05-03 3940
Thy Kingdom Come Matthew 24:29-32 Pastor Harry Lusby 2015-04-26 3941
Except Those Days Be Shortened Matthew 24:22-24 Pastor Harry Lusby 2015-03-22 3716
The Great Tribulation Pt2 Matthew 24:17-21 Pastor Harry Lusby 2015-03-15 3721
The Great Tribulation Pt1 Hosea 2:14
Matthew 24:17-20
Pastor Harry Lusby 2015-03-08 3786
Abomination of Desolation Matthew 24:15
Matthew 24:15-18
Pastor Harry Lusby 2015-03-01 3595
The Gospel of the Kingdom Matthew 24:13-18 Pastor Harry Lusby 2015-02-22 3778